Legal Disclaimer / Impressum

The information contained within the Grund IP Group website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as providing legal advice on any subject matter, nor as establishing any kind of attorney-client relationship between Grund IP Group and the recipient of any information received in connection with this website.

Although we make every effort to update all content contained on this website, Grund IP Group cannot and does not guarantee, endorse, or warrant, either explicitly or implicitly, as to the accuracy, completeness, integrity or timeliness of any information presented. Therefore, Grund IP Group expressly disclaims all liability with respect to any loss or damage whatsoever caused in connection with any kind of action taken or not taken based on any or all of such information. If you should have any questions or comments regarding any legal issue, or would like further information on a presented topic, please
contact us using the information provided below.

The following information is required by §6 of the German Law on Teleservices (“TDG”). Should you have any questions with respect to this information, please send us an email or contact our office as follows:

GRUND Intellectual Property Group and Solicitor PartG mbB
Amtsgericht München Partnerschaftsregister PR1615

Steinsdorfstrasse 2
D-80538 München

Phone: + 49 (89) 54 80 19 – 0
Fax: + 49 (89) 54 80 19 – 10
Email: info (at)

Tax ID No.: DE 147 / 218 / 10053
V.A.T. Number: DE 304718752

The European Patent Attorneys of Grund IPG are registered to practice before the European Patent Office and are active members of the European Patent Institute of Professional Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPI) (epi, and are therefore subject to its Code of
Professional Conduct ( and the Regulation on Discipline issued by the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organization ( 100/120/123/) in addition to professional rules set forth by the Code of Professional Conduct of the International Federation of Patent Attorneys (FICPI, see

The European Trademark & Design Attorneys of Grund IPG are registered at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM). They are subject to the rules set forth in the Council Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community Trade Mark and in Council Regulation (EC) nº 6/2002 of 12 December 2001 on Community Designs (see

The term “Patentanwalt” as used on this website refers only to our German Patent Attorneys, unless stated otherwise. The German Patent Attorneys at Grund IPG are currently registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office and are members of the German Patent Attorneys Association, or Patentanwaltskammer ( German Patent Attorneys are subject to the professional rules set forth in the Patentanwaltsordnung (PatanwO, or “German Patent Attorney Code”), which can be reviewed in German at
patanwo/index.html (see BGBl. I 1966, 557; later amended, see BGBl. I 2001, 3656) and further by the Berufsordnung der Patentanwälte (BOPA, or “Code of Conduct for German Patent Attorneys”) (see Mitt. 1997, 243). The German Patent Attorneys are also members of the Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle and are therefore subject to its Code of Professional Conduct (see

Our German Attorneys at Law are members of the Bar Association for the District of the Higher Regional Court in Munich, or Rechtsanwaltskammer München (see, Germany, unless specified otherwise. They are also subject to the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO), or “German Attorney at Law Code”, the Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte (BORA) or “Code of Conduct for German Attorneys at Law”, and the
Bundesrechtsanwaltsgebührenordnung (BRAGO) or “Federal Code of Lawyers’ Fees”. The above- mentioned German regulations can be viewed (in German) at under the sub-heading “Informationspflichten gemäß §6 TDG”. Moreover, the “Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Community” issued by the CCBE (Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community) is applicable to all lawyers engaging in international matters (viewable at

Our UK Solicitor, England & Wales is subject to the regulatory body of the Law Society, England and
Wales, in particular to the “The Guide to the Professional Conduct of Solicitors” viewable at

Our Irish Solicitor is subject to the regulatory body of the Law Society of Ireland
(, namely the “eCompendium to the Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2015”,
the “2020 Statutory Instruments”, and the “Guide to Professional Conduct of Solicitors in Ireland.”

Our U.S. Patent Attorney is subject to the regulatory body within the United States Patent and Trademark Office, namely,
the Office of Enrollment and Discipline ( /dcom/gcounsel/oed.htm).

Our U.S. Patent Attorney is subject to the regulatory body within the United States Patent and
Trademark Office, namely, the Office of Enrollment and Discipline (

Our U.S. Attorney at Law is subject to both the D.C. Bar Rules of Professional Conduct (http://www. professional_conduct /index.cfm); and D.C. Bar
“Board on Professional Responsibility Rules of Procedure” (
